Wednesday, October 1, 2008

"Nailing Jello to the Wall?"- McCain vs. Obama Debate

Shelley Bluejay Pierce

October 1, 2008

Like most people, I watched the debate last night with critical eyes and ears wide open! I suppose I was waiting for the follow-up attacks from McCain calling Obama a "terrorist." That didn't happen but there was an interesting attempt by McCain to grab the media spotlight that was apparently successful because the information he released in his commentary has been all over the mainstream news this morning....while the economic indicators around the globe show MAJOR distress and the Feds have cut the interest rates again here in the USA.

Announcing, for the first time in public, was a McCain "solution" for our sad economic times. How about buying up all the "bad mortgages" in this country so that people can stay in their homes?

This little addition will cost a staggering $300 billion dollars.

$300 billion dollars? FROM WHERE? Using what funds? More taxpayer money John?


My only response to this little media-grabbing-ditty was shock and disbelief. Sen. McCain used a common expression later in the debate that basically describes my reaction to his $300 billion dollar bail out. Sen. McCain described Sen. Obama's tax cut policies as being changeable...
"sort of like trying to nail jello to the wall..."

In my opinion, Sen. McCain's notion to spend $300 billion dollars MORE on bad debts is exactly like "nailing jello to the wall!"

Once again, this administration, congress and other agency leaders inside the Washington D.C. elite circles have waited too long to address a crisis in the making. The fear factor and panic-state mentality was used to the advantage of those who needed to make BIG moves and without the necessary time to review and adjust the economy in an intelligent way. The first bail out bill was only three pages of a "free pass" for the Paulson elite. The follow-up bill that was later defeated added tiny safeguards for the American people. (TINY being the operative word here!)

The recently approved bail out bill grew from 4 pages to 400 and included earmarks for ARROW MAKERS and RUM PRODUCERS.


Are we seriously aiding the economy with that?

Well, no, in my opinion, but then I am not an arrow manufacturer nor a rum producer.

The inclusion of the billions for the arrow-making-rum-producing titans embarassed me for our country. How would the allies to the USA see this? What would their citizenry think of their own slap-in-the-face from USA leadership as their own homelands are suffering from our disastrous economic condition? No one has discussed that impact.

In the end, I suppose the only ones smiling are the arrow makers and rum producers.

Once again, the bail out bill was rushed through with little to no serious debate or examination and we taxpayers just watched over $700 billion dollars float out to various sources. We are left to pray this will aid our disastrous economy.

Now Sen. McCain throws more "jello at the wall" with a $300 billion dollar home mortgage purchase idea. Does he have some kind of money-printing shop set up in a warehouse somewhere that we are not aware of? Where is this government coming up with this "money" to pay for any of these recent bail outs and also find more billions to buy up "bad mortgages?"

I am not an economist but with only the slightest research and understanding, the novice U.S. citizen can learn that our dollar value is plummeting and our debt owed to the likes of China (for some $500 billion!) is at obscene levels. Our deficit spending has created such a black hole in the US treasury that many great minds in economics are fearful that we may never dig our way out.
Hence, the only way to solve this disaster is throw MORE money that has no value at mortgages that have no value and watch the US economy deflate like a popped birthday balloon.


The longer I have thought about this image that Senator John McCain used in his debate rhetoric last night, the more I actually believe he is onto something here.

Yes, the entire financial system bail-out is EXACTLY like using a nail and hammer to pierce jello and hope that the jello sticks to something after the piercing! The congressional and financial wizards leading this country are grasping for a nail and hammer (obscene amounts of ever-increasing value-less currency) and furiously piercing a melting hunk of jello (the economy) in brain-less attempts to nail that jello to the wall.

I have a new idea that goes along with my earlier thought about buying the next president and vice-president a piggy bank whereby they could learn the basics of not spending what is NOT available inside the bank. I suggest that we take that $300 billion dollars that Sen. McCain seems able to magically come up with and we buy enormous quantities of hammers and nails from Home Dept. Then, we buy a huge stock of jello from WalMart. With the financial announcements made this morning, both of these giant companies are now projecting a severe, downward turn in their earnings which is going to impact all of their operations and investors so they can use the income now more than ever.

Let us do something truly productive for our economic woes and invest that money into two companies that need to keep employees working. Box up all those hammers, nails and boxes of jello and ship them not only to Washington D.C. but around the planet to all the world leaders. In the frenzy of attempting to nail jello to the wall, we might actually accomplish the goal of "fixing" the global economy!

Think about it! If we could occupy the leaders and stockmarket money-grabbers with this task for a while, the true professionals in economics may have the brief window of opportunity, without government interference, to study the new 21st century global economics! If the jello-nailing activity could be sustained long enough, the brightest economic minds might actually create a workable economic sustainability for our futures!

Yes, Sen. McCain! For once, you are on the cutting edge of new theory and progressive thought!

We can help Home Depot, WalMart and if we are really creative? We can upgrade the package to include those arrow makers and rum producers.

I wonder how long we could keep the government officials busy trying to nail the RUM FLAVORED jello to their walls using ARROWS!?

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